bilingual preschool

Facts updates about the bilingual preschool

Activities in a bilingual preschool may be split between the native and second languages, or the students may be immersed in the second language from morning to night. The purpose is to introduce young students to a language they can master for future usage.

Why Send Your Child to a Bilingual/Immersion Preschool

From birth to around age 5, the crucial period hypothesis suggests that the neurological system is poised to absorb and discriminate between phonemes or distinct language sounds.You have the innate ability to recognize infinitely many distinct sounds. This skill begins to deteriorate in monolingual infants as their brains develop a preference for the sounds of their mother tongue. This is why the adage goes, “the earlier you start, the better off you’ll be.”

Studies, such as a 2001 comparison of learners of a signed language and a spoken language to learners of two spoken languages at once over a year, have debunked this misconception. Indeed, opposing evidence exists. According to research, children in a Spanish-English bilingual program beat their English-only peers on reading tests in 2008. Furthermore, the performance of children between the ages of 0 and 3 was superior to that of children who were exposed later (3-6 years old).

As the globe grows more interconnected, and as more and more parents recognize the importance of their children learning a second (or even third) language, early childhood programs that foster bilingualism are becoming increasingly widespread.

bilingual preschool

Differences between preschool immersion programs and bilingual programs

The phrase “bilingual education” encompassesvarious courses and initiatives incorporating a second language into their curriculum.

For older children in elementary school and beyond, this usually entails a subject or class dedicated to teaching the target language, such as “Spanish class,” once or twice a week. The kids also get their math and science lessons on their tongues.However, students in “immersion” programs have all their academic topics taught in the target language. Some subjects, like math and science, may be offered in both English and Spanish on a rotational basis.

However, “bilingual” and “immersion” are commonly used interchangeably at the preschool level and below because there is rarely any official teaching time and a continuous flow of play and activities throughout the day.

Perks of a Bilingual Preschool Program

Many parents are eager to begin their child’s education in a second language to reap the cognitive benefits, increase career prospects, and broaden their child’s understanding of the world that comes with doing so early on.

The advantages of learning a second language in early childhood

Children exposed to two languages at a young age can better keep tabs on their immediate surroundings than their monolingual peers. They have greater mental adaptability and working memory (the capacity to switch between tasks quickly and efficiently).

Children learning two languages at once develop a better ability to self-regulate.

The onset of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia may be slowed by early and sustained bilingualism.

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